Extend Selection

Extend selection by one cell rightShift
Extend selection by one cell leftShift
Extend selection by one cell upShift
Extend selection by one cell downShift
Extend the selection to the last cell rightCtrlShift
Extend the selection to the last cell leftCtrlShift
Extend the selection to the last cell upCtrlShift
Extend the selection to the last cell downCtrlShift
Extend selection up one screenShiftPgUpFn
Extend selection down one screenShiftPgDnFn
Extend selection right one screenAltShiftPgDnFn
Extend selection left one screenAltShiftPgUpFn
Extend selection to start of rowShiftHomeFn
Extend selection to first cell in worksheetCtrlShiftHomeFn
Extend selection to last cell in worksheetCtrlShiftEndFn
Toggle extend selection modeF8FnF8