Exploring the File Tab

The File tab is placed at the top-left corner  the Word  interface. When you click the File tab, the Backstage view appears, as shown in the following figure.

The Backstage View

Apart from a set of options, the Backstage view also displays additional information and properties of the document. The Backstage view is partitioned into three panes: left, center, and right. The left pane consists of a set of options. The center and right panes display the section corresponding to the option selected in the left pane. The purpose of each option in the Backstage view is explained in the following list:

  • Info: This option displays additional information and properties of a document. In addition, it enables you to convert the document to previous versions, protect your document, and check for issues. Moreover, it enables you to manage versions of the document.
  • New: This option allows you to create a new document.
  • Open: This option allows you to open a document stored on your computer.
  • Save: This option allows you to save a document.
  • Save As: This option allows you to save a copy of a document. In addition, it enables you to save a document in different formats.
  • Print: This option allows users to preview and print documents.
  • Share: This option allows you to share you document with other users. You can save your document on SharePoint or Microsoft SkyDrive  and use the Share command to let others read or edit your copy of the file. You can also send the document as an email attachment.
  • Export: This option allows you to export your document to the PDF or XPS format. You can also change the file type of your document.
  • Close: This option allows you to close the currently active document. In case you have not saved your document, a Microsoft Word message box appears, prompting you to save your
  • Account: This option allows you to use your Microsoft Account, which is a free, cloud-based account that gives you access to Microsoft services including Windows 8, SkyDrive,
    Hotmail, Skype, and more.
  • Options: This option allows you to customize the Ribbon panel and Quick Access Toolbar. Moreover, it enables you to customize the display settings of the document. This option lets you change the Word correcting and formatting options. In addition, it allows you to manage the Add-Ins and the privacy settings of the document