Maintaining Charts of Accounts in Tally Erp 9.0

Maintaining a Chart of Accounts in Tally ERP 9.0 is essential for managing your financial transactions effectively. The Chart of Accounts is a complete list of all accounts used by an organization to record financial transactions. It includes all the accounts used in financial accounting, such as assets, liabilities, income, expenses, and equity.

Here are the steps to maintain a Chart of Accounts in Tally ERP 9.0:

  1. Open Tally ERP 9.0 and go to the “Gateway of Tally.”
  2. Select “Accounts Info” from the Gateway of Tally menu.
  3. Choose “Chart of Accounts” from the “Accounts Info” menu.
  4. Click on “Create” to add a new account.
  5. Select the account group under which the new account needs to be created.
  6. Enter the account name, and select the appropriate account type.
  7. Set the opening balance of the account, if any.
  8. Press “Enter” to save the new account.
  9. Repeat steps 4-8 to create more accounts as required.
  10. To edit or delete an account, select the account from the Chart of Accounts list and click on “Alter” or “Delete” as required.
  11. To view the Chart of Accounts, go to “Accounts Info” and select “Chart of Accounts.”
  12. You can also print the Chart of Accounts by selecting “Print” from the “Chart of Accounts” menu.

By following these steps, you can easily create and maintain your Chart of Accounts in Tally ERP 9.0, ensuring accurate and efficient financial record-keeping.

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