Foundations of Web Development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Beginners

Section 1. Introduction to Web Development

  • Overview of web development
  • Basics of client-server architecture
  • Introduction to HTTP and HTTPS protocols
  • Setting up a local development environment

Section 2. HTML Fundamentals

  • Introduction to HTML syntax and structure
  • Basic HTML tags and attributes
  • Creating links and anchors
  • Working with images and multimedia
  • Creating forms and input fields

Section 3. CSS Fundamentals

  • Introduction to CSS syntax and structure
  • Selectors and cascading styles
  • Working with text and fonts
  • Adding colors and backgrounds
  • Working with box model and layout

Section 4. JavaScript Fundamentals

  • Introduction to JavaScript syntax and structure
  • Variables, data types, and operators
  • Control structures and loops
  • Functions and objects
  • Events and event handling

Section 5. Document Object Model (DOM)

  • Understanding the DOM structure
  • Manipulating DOM elements with JavaScript
  • Creating dynamic web pages with DOM

Section 6. Introduction to jQuery

  • Overview of jQuery library
  • Selectors and filters in jQuery
  • Manipulating DOM with jQuery
  • Handling events with jQuery

Section 7. Introduction to Bootstrap

  • Overview of Bootstrap framework
  • Building responsive web pages with Bootstrap
  • Working with Bootstrap components and plugins

Section 8. Introduction to MySQL Database

  • Overview of MySQL database
  • Installing and configuring MySQL server
  • Basics of relational database management system
  • Creating and managing databases and tables

Section 9. Querying data with MySQL

  • Introduction to SQL syntax
  • Selecting and filtering data with WHERE clause
  • Sorting data with ORDER BY clause
  • Joining tables with INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN
  • Grouping data with GROUP BY clause

Section 10. Modifying data with MySQL

  • Inserting data with INSERT statement
  • Updating data with UPDATE statement
  • Deleting data with DELETE statement
  • Working with transactions and table locking

Section 11. Advanced MySQL Techniques

  • Using subqueries and derived tables
  • Working with common table expressions
  • Using set operators for data manipulation
  • Working with advanced data types and constraints

Section 12. Final Project

  • Building a web application from scratch using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and MySQL
  • Deploying the web application to a web server.